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Data acquisition from rtl-sdr u to zynq fpga board - Pre-Install Preparation


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終了日順 関連度順. アーカイブ 視聴無料 No. ランサムウェア マルウェア 英語 サイバーセキュリティ フィッシング. 英語 クラウド 危機管理. IT 建築 ランサムウェア 英語 ネットワーク. I own Altium and will someday be doing that contract, exclusively. There is a DMA controller so that makes things nice.. AND there's DMA IP for the PL section to help pipe stuff around. I did a design using a CMOS imager that would dump frames into ARM RAM via DMA so I know the process works that way.

There's also the USB2 IP from Xilinx that would sit right in the PL -- but then your PL code would have to drive the USB device directly.

html for more info. because it would make the USB drivers and dealing with the RTL-SDR a little easier but then if you have all the RTL-SDR USB specifics and aren't scared to just drive it right out of the PL that could be interesting too. Anyway -- A sense of humor is important for sure. Sometimes it's the only way to keep sane in this mad mad world of fast-paced ever-changing field of electronics. The RTL-SDR is a USB device. It is not really designed to interface directly to an FPGA.

You could get the RTL-SDR samples into the FPGA fabric, but why bother, its already a low-enough data rate that GNU radio and others can process it directly. Analog Devices have a relatively low-cost Zynq Software-Defined-Radio platform:. Then of course there are FMC cards with ADCs and DACs, where you can get sample rates as high as 10GHz. FPGAs are what you want to use when processing MHz or GHz of bandwidth, or DSP with lots of processing.

For RFSoCs, if you are in a university, there is the RFSoC 2x2 board:. That's not true. So what if the RTL-SDR is USB? Xilinx has their USB2 PL IP that would allow bringing USB data right into the FPGA.

As for "why bother"? Maybe it's an academic exercise. The OP said he did have a reason for doing it this way. And yes, the Analog Devices ADALM-PLUTO is worth looking into. It's a Zynq based system could be interesting to reference anyway. Thank you for your clear and concise reply 😀. Let me explain. I agree, the RTL-SDR is not built to interface to a DSP or FPGA. And yes, the data rate is low by the time the data is output.

There are a couple of reasons why I don't find the ADALM Pluto or the Red Pitaya acceptable for what I am attempting to do. I do have a ADLM Pluto, but have not really used it. Looking at the specifications and the inexpensive FPGA device on board, there is not that much capacity "left over" in terms of programmable logic, in order to do much extra processing. That information is available but I forget now exactly where it is. The device is not a The Red Pitaya has open source FPGA code but NOT open source hardware, at least it says that at the site, so I can't really deduce what the RF front end is doing.

The above devices, as well as the venerable RTL-SDR devices, are designed with a fairly narrow purpose. That is, tune heterodyne to a particular frequency and demodulate, in DSP, that channel. I am looking to emulate a polyphase channelizer by "taking in" up to 4 channels of FM for example heterodyne to some convenient IF and then decode the stations via DSP.

I have done this in simulation with matlab and targeted signals that were generated. I have also done it with matlab using the RTL-SDR dongle but of course using only one frequency.

You are completely correct when you say " "software" defined radios are designed with hardware that reduces the signal bandwidth to a level that can be handled directly by software".

That is what a polyphase channelizer does and that is what I am attempting to do in FPGA code. But I need a suitable RF front end. I have read many books on multirage DSP and prof. fred harris is a personal acquaintance. The next step for me is to use a generalized FPGA DEV board, which I have, like the ZCU As you say " there are FMC cards with ADCs and DACs, where you can get sample rates as high as 10GHz ", and, again, you are completely correct.

I have been looking at these boards and two things strike me that are not conducive to me using them. I might be tempted to look past the cost if I could get them while I am still living ;-D. Finally, yes, there is a RFSoC board available for students and although I consider myself as a life long student, I am not attached to a university. My understanding about the RFSoC, and please correct me if I am wrong, is that they are really tied to USRP hardware platforms of ETTUS research, and again, they are expensive.

This is a research hobby for me and I have to think about whether I wish to replace my aging vehicle or buy more toys. I think that the best thing for me to do is to design a board, like the FMC cards you reference above, since my ZCU does have a FMC connector and I do have Altium Designer and can do the layout.

I would not put anything grand on the card and probably should pull out my venerable ARRL Radio Handbook and build a simple FM downconverter suitable for my simple requirements. I enjoy having discussions with people like you who seem to know what they are talking about.

Sometimes like with the ZCU -- you start and tinker and get the idea working and THEN decide where to go. I'm sure you've seen the Zedboard from Avnet, those are nice Not sure what the price point goal is but just to toss it out there. I've worked the uZed It's a decent SoM if one wants to avoid designing their own. I'm about to do a design the Enclustra Mars ZX3. That looks fun too I may be shouting expletives in a couple weeks when I get my baseboard in hand and start doing the dev work Piece of cake, right?

Anyway - glad I could help. Holla if you have any more questions. Wow, I'm impressed. I just looked at the ZX3. I know what I would use it for. It seems almost custom made for ML or DL acceleration projects. Inside the PC you can accelerate certain algorithms outside the CPU. If I might ask, how much does such a thing cost? It even has its own DEV board.

What will they think of next. No competition here, but I am also interested in Deep Learning. Eventually, if I live long enough, I want to be able to work some heavily quantized Deep Learning algorithms into the ZCU but I think that is a stretch. I did a video on youtube where I show a program that I developed that uses Smart Glasses in an Augmented Reality application in conjunction with the 80's arcade game Asteroids.

All done in Python before I knew anything about Python. You could make it not exactly trending. The Zynq might be strong enough for some audio applications of Deep Learning but not video. Please view it. There is a slide rule in the background did not remember this. fred harris saw it an commented that he collects old slide rules. Sorry, the "why bother" was perhaps a little too dismissive :.

FPGAs are awesome, but in my opinion they should be used where needed, not just "because you can". I have suffered from what I refer to as becoming a "code janitor" I create something I think is really cool but being unique, I become the maintainer of that code too.

The RTL-SDR and the community around it use it as a USB device for software interfaces. If the OP wants to use SDR with FPGA, then the Pluto, PicoZed, RedPitaya, and other solutions are more in-line with applications that require the use of an FPGA. So, the comment was more about perspective, rather than "don't waste your time".

You have an excellent choice in friends. His windowing paper was always very helpful. If you dig up an old copy of Crochiere and Rabiner you'll find them calling it a Weighted-Overlap Add WOLA. It is a cool trick. Most of the modern radio telescopes around the world use this technique now eg. What sample rate and bandwidth are you interested in? If you're designing a board and want a second set of eyes.

Just ask :. I also have the RTL-SDR lying around here somewhere and various Zynq and MPSoC boards If you get "somewhere" with your USB interfacing, but get stuck, just ask. It sounds like Ben can help, and I can attempt to struggle along with you :. FYI just for reference and not attempting to outdo you in any way, even around the time of Crochiere and Rabiner, there was Maurice Bellanger, whos book I have and who did some of the original work on multi rate filters.

I think that he did his work in the mid 70s. He does call it "Filter banks using polyphase networks and DFT" but then he references "Rabiner and Schafer" from Lets face it, Rabiner, Bellanger Portnof, Fliege, Vaidyanathan and harris all had simultaneous orgasm concerning the DFT filter bank ;-D.

I have to work out the math on that. But if fred harris could build a channelizer of channels, I could probably build one with 4 channels ha, ha. I would probably do a schematic in Altium but then do this proto on a piece of perf board. Or, use something that I can "dead bug" onto the board. Yea, then I would probably go through the extra work and expense. You know, looking at the ADCEVM that you referenced above, it just might do the trick!

I don't think that the input sample rate is up to handling the FM Broadcast band but you know, perhaps the AM band would do it for me. Now that I think about it, AM would probably be more in line with my future goals. I know that it can handle that. Delivery times on electronics have been problematic these days.

But this looks good and it might just have been worth the conversation to see this!! I think there was a typo at the last line of your post. You said "it sounds like "Ben" can help. Who's Ben?



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Best Regards CHLee. The only performance guarantee that Xilinx makes is that the device will meet or exceed its specified performance, over the entire recommended operating voltage range. If you increase the voltage, the tools don't know - and don't care. They'll still do the timing analysis assuming the worst performance within the recommended voltage range.

You can push up the voltage and hope that it'll allow you to get away with a few small timing failures, but this is not at all reliable. Thank you. Besides the performance uncertainty, we also consider about what will happen to the FPGA if the voltage higher than max.

recommend range 0. Does any damage to the VU FPGA will occur? We do have some timing violation now Is there anything we could improve the timing by software setting, e. some special constrains? As long as you stay below the absolute maximum rating, you won't do any damage.

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I did not even know that there was a RTL-SDR driver for petalinux. I did look at the RFSoC link that you gave. Truthfully, I was expecting to have to design a new RF front end for this thing anyway instead of using the venerable RTL-SDR dongle it does not have the BW but I might be able to take the output directly from the RF front end and feed the IF directly to the FPGA quite the hack but it may be worth it.

I can do PCB design and layout and some RF work. Also, those parts are for use in the GHz RF range, probably for WiFi use, and well above what I am going to use it for I did not read the spec on the part.

I just want to modulate down to an IF from FM with a wide enough BW for, say, 4 channels. I can discriminate the multiple FM channels in an FPGA after down sampling. I suppose that is another development effort for me. It is time that I got out my, again, venerable, ARRL Radio Handbook. It will take me a bit of time to fully "integrate" this but I want to thank you again for you help. BTW, if this is not too personal, what, may I ask, do you do for a living?

Since this is the internet, one never knows if one is talking to some kid hacking electronics in his parents basement. Not that there is anything wrong with that. And I suspect, strongly, that you are not that. I can't say for sure there's a Petalinux drivers -- but I'd imagine getting the driver should be easy and compiling it in is pretty straight-forward. I always looked and marveled at the RF-SoC datasheets, but I never looked up their prices.

Holy Cow. Ok - so going back to the Zynqs you have handy the zcu -- that should be fine. The only bummer will be having to funnel the data through the ARM to a block of DMA memory that you can then point to your DSP PL logic. Like I said, the other option is to put in the Xilinx USB2 IP module into the PL and have your own external USB setup that DOESN'T go through the ARM maybe that's no so bad. At least you have options. And when you say the output is going to be audio, is that audio over I2S or USB to an audio dongle or??

Definitely not a kid hacking in my mom's basement. But I do feel like a kid most days when I work on cool projects while I'm hacking out in my shop. I am so glad that you have a sense of humor ;-D. I had to ask about the "kid in his parents basement" because I have been taken in before by people speaking like a "German God-Professor", when they are really a second year EE student again, not that there is anything wrong with that.

I think that you are correct about the "funneling of the data through the ARM to a block of DMA memory" but I am old enough to remember something that we used to use called DMA controllers direct memory access so that we did not have to load the uC with the extra data transfers. Have not researched if I can use it in the FPGA. I think that the easiest way for me to get past this issue and get to the next step of my project is to simply design a card with an FMC connector that mates with the one on the zcu I can do the layout with Altium Designer but truthfully, it would be like an old FM radio receiver so I could just use some wires.

Probably best that way. I have been doing more layout these days. Not what I did my whole career as a EE but after decades of telling layout people who are generally not engineers, "do this, put that there, route it this way", I decided to become the guy who actually uses the tool.

I own Altium and will someday be doing that contract, exclusively. There is a DMA controller so that makes things nice.. AND there's DMA IP for the PL section to help pipe stuff around. I did a design using a CMOS imager that would dump frames into ARM RAM via DMA so I know the process works that way.

There's also the USB2 IP from Xilinx that would sit right in the PL -- but then your PL code would have to drive the USB device directly. html for more info. because it would make the USB drivers and dealing with the RTL-SDR a little easier but then if you have all the RTL-SDR USB specifics and aren't scared to just drive it right out of the PL that could be interesting too.

Anyway -- A sense of humor is important for sure. Sometimes it's the only way to keep sane in this mad mad world of fast-paced ever-changing field of electronics. The RTL-SDR is a USB device. It is not really designed to interface directly to an FPGA.

You could get the RTL-SDR samples into the FPGA fabric, but why bother, its already a low-enough data rate that GNU radio and others can process it directly. Analog Devices have a relatively low-cost Zynq Software-Defined-Radio platform:. Then of course there are FMC cards with ADCs and DACs, where you can get sample rates as high as 10GHz. FPGAs are what you want to use when processing MHz or GHz of bandwidth, or DSP with lots of processing.

For RFSoCs, if you are in a university, there is the RFSoC 2x2 board:. That's not true. So what if the RTL-SDR is USB? Xilinx has their USB2 PL IP that would allow bringing USB data right into the FPGA. As for "why bother"? Maybe it's an academic exercise. The OP said he did have a reason for doing it this way. And yes, the Analog Devices ADALM-PLUTO is worth looking into. It's a Zynq based system Capgemini の調査によると、企業の 3 分の 2 が、組織を保護するための競争において AI が必要な要素であることを理解しています。 年の攻撃対象領域は、これまで以上に大きく洗 Microsoft Security Response Center の Stephanie Calabrese が、違いを生むものに焦点を当てて、Microsoft Security 全体で行 東レリサーチセンターでは「ライフサイエンス分野 【オンライン動画】分析技術紹介」を配信中です。 最新の分析技術をオンライン形式(無料)でご紹介しています。 期間限定ですので、お早めにご登録くださ AIカメラ(エッジコンピューティング)の画像解析アプリ開発手法を学びたい方必見! 本セミナーでは、AIカメラ(エッジコンピューティング)であるVieurekaカメラを活用した画像解析アプリケーシ 製品品質の予測・改善、異常検出、操業条件の最適化など、製造現場で役立つデータ活用術を詳しく解説します! 最低限知っておくべきデータ解析手法から、使用の注意点、データ前処理のポイント、具体的な手 Learn Arduino from the ground up with a full fledged project using an Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR HC-SR04超音波センサーを使用して障害物までの距離を測定します プログラムをArduinoにデプロイしてワイヤレスで使用する方法 独自のアプリケーションとデバイスを構築します。 超音波セン 開催日  ~.

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